Virtual Office > Queues: How do I...
Modify which queues a rep is assigned to / can receive calls from?

Rep assignements can be updated in two ways: by updating the Queues a specific Rep is assigned to, or by updating which Reps are assigned to a specific Queue.

To update assignments for a specific Queue:

  1. Login to the secure web portal at
  2. Under the "Queue Administrator" section click "Queue Reps by Queue"
  3. Click the Queue ID for the Queue you want to update assignments for
  4. Click "Add" or "Remove" next to the individual Rep IDs to add or remove them from that Queue

To update assignments for a specific Rep:

  1. Login to the secure web portal at
  2. Under the "Queue Administrator" section click "Queue Reps by Rep ID"
  3. Click the Rep ID for the Rep you want to update queue assignments for
  4. Click "Add" or "Remove" next to the individual Queues to add or remove the Rep from that Queue

To update Rep Priority settings for a Priority Queue:

  1. Login to the secure web portal at
  2. Under the "Queue Administrator" section click "Queue Settings" *
  3. Click the Queue ID for the Queue you want to update
  4. Priority Queues will have their "Call Distribution Method" set to "Priority ACD".
    Note: If the queue is not currently set to Priority ACD and you wish to change it to a Priority Queue, you may do so here and click "Update Queue Settings" at the bottom of the page to save the setting.
  5. Click the "Set Rep Priority" link at the end of the "Call Distribution Method" line
  6. Change the dropdown in the "Priority" column to make updates.
    Note: Each change is applied when selected and no additional Submit or Update buttons are used on this page.
* Note that the Priority setting page for a Priority Queue can also be accessed from both "Queue Reps..." pages in addition to doing it from the Queue Settings.

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